Study opportunities in Australia's Northern Territory
It is relatively common for European students to visit Australia as international students, but while most head for the bigger cities in southern Australia (which are in some ways more like Europe), relatively few go to the tropical north. The Northern Territory (NT) is the most rugged and remote region of Australia, and could provide a genuinely life-changing experience for the right student. The region also has a world-class research institution, at Charles Darwin University in the regional capital, Darwin.
The NT is offering scholarships of up to AU$6000 to attract excellent overseas students, which can cover tuition fees for the first year or semester. Deadlines for applications are in October and January, depending on course type. Details are available on an NT Government website.
The NT can offer unique educational experiences, for example in tropical ecology (e.g. the Reserarch Institute for Environment and Livelihoods), Indigenous languages (the Northern Institute) and cultures or Indigenous health (the Menzies School of Health Research). For Swiss students in particular, the cultural and ecological setting could provide a fascinating contrast to their home environment, while also providing educational facilities at an international standard
Contact info+nt@asain.ch if you have any specific questions about these opportunities and life in the Northern Territory.
By John Mansfield, on behalf of the ASAIN team.